Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer was a childhood hero I admired. This was a book I had to study in my school. I still remember those chapters on his aunt pulling out his loose tooth, the way he tricked his friends into getting the fence whitewashed, the adventures in the cave with Becky Thatcher, his teacher (forgot the name), and most of all, the friend, Huckleberry Finn. I was fascinated by the name - it reminded me words like chuckle, berry, and fins of fishes.

I remember that I got my book late as the stock had ran out. So I could never keep track of those chapters being taught in school. Atlast when I got my book, I was lagging behind. I never listened in class and didn't know which chapter was being taught. But one day, as I had nothing else to do, I read the first chapter. Then I couldn't keep it down. I read through all the chapters. Even before the class was half way till the book, I had completed reading the whole book :-) A big achievement in those days. We were in class IV.

This is one of the books each child must read. Once you finish your age fascinations and fairy tales, this is a good read. The language is extremely simple and interesting. No wonder we had this in our junior school. But one thing, I was terrified of Red Joe for a long time after reading the book.. :-)

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