Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This is the movie I saw the latest. I had been wanting to watch this from a long time and had it on the PC for months now. But never got to actually watching it. Luckily, two days back, it was being shown on HBO. I sat and watched it, not even allowing my husband to change the channel.

The story is based on a true life incident of a mother whose son goes missing and is never found. The movie shows the mother's pain, fights to get her son back, and coping with life. The police department finds a child and hands him over to the mother and publicizes that it is the correct boy who went missing. And when the mother complains that it is not her child, she is blamed for being insane and misbehaving. Finally she brings the case to light and proves that her child is still missing.

Angelina Jolie does the lead role and has very well portrayed the emotions. It seems like you get a feel of what she is experiencing. I loved some portions of the movie too much. One such scene is when the police officer informs her that her son is alive and has been found.

The makeup, costumes, settings, every minor detail makes you believe that the film is actually shot around 80 years back. The last shot where the wide shot of the city is shown gives you lot of time and substance to feel the sorrow, experience her lonliness, and newly found emotion of HOPE.

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