Ladies Coupe is a story revolving around the stories of five women from different backgrounds. The protagonist, Akhilandeswari, is travelling in a ladies coupe and in the same coupe are the four other women. Each of them narrate their stories - indeed very different stories. Akhila after listening to these stories arrive at a conclusion for the right she has in her life. All these years she lived for her family and relatives, not for herself. Towards the end we find Akhila making a call to her first love. The story ends there.
The stories of some women are unpleasant and sad. Life has treated them badly and they are bearing it. For some, life has been very good and they are contented with their lives. We still have a character - Margaret, my favourite character in the story. Margaret marries a man of her choice. They love each other but life takes its turn and Margaret finds herself lonely. This is when she decides not to take life as it comes. She bends it the way she wants and finally, yes, she is no more lonely. I really found her tactics interesting. Perhaps thats called 'Sweet Revenge'.
Though some stories invoke anxiety and discomfort, it is a good work. May be each of us can relate to one of those stories.
The stories of some women are unpleasant and sad. Life has treated them badly and they are bearing it. For some, life has been very good and they are contented with their lives. We still have a character - Margaret, my favourite character in the story. Margaret marries a man of her choice. They love each other but life takes its turn and Margaret finds herself lonely. This is when she decides not to take life as it comes. She bends it the way she wants and finally, yes, she is no more lonely. I really found her tactics interesting. Perhaps thats called 'Sweet Revenge'.
Though some stories invoke anxiety and discomfort, it is a good work. May be each of us can relate to one of those stories.